TSMTWF = Events

The Show Me The Way Foundation Presents: A Senior Moment: Celebrating Our Seniors
The Never Alone Support Group was created to provide a safe-haven for individuals that have lost family members to active addiction or overdosing. African American men ages 45-65 has become the largest number of deaths associated with opioid use/overdosoing. It was very surprising to discover the number of seniors impacted by these deaths, and because of the stigma related to overdosing, many suffer in silence.
The Show Me The Way Foundation, in addition to offering the Never Alone Support Group, wanted to give these seniors a day filled with fun and enjoyment. We are excited about our “Senior Moment”. For one day, they get to enjoy themselves, free of the painful memories that grief can bring. We know there are many individuals in our community that need our help and support, we are hoping that one day and/or one event at-a-time, we can help them heal.

The Junior Street Keepers & Friends
DC TOUR June 2024
White House
The Smithsonian African American Historical & Cultural Museum
Sweet Home Cafe

White House Access Passes provided by Congressman Dwight Evan's Philadelphia & DC Team
Thank you to the many donors who helped to make this possible!


Lion King Musical
August 2023
Dinner @FOGO de Chao Brazilian Steakhouse
Philadelphia, House

Newkirk Junior Street Keepers Event
January 2023